Weather Conditions
TemperatureAir temperature measured at 2 meters above ground.
HumidityRelative Humidity is displayed as a 5-minute running average & corrected for any repeatable errors.
BarometerWhen measuring atmospheric pressure trend matters more than value. A quickly falling barometer can indicate inclement weather approaching. Likewise rapidly rising pressure generally precedes fair weather.
29.97 in
Rising Slowly
UVThe UV index is a measure of the sun-burning portion of solar ultraviolet radiation. Marquette does not normally exceed 10.
0-2: Low
3-7: Moderate
8+: Very High to Extreme (0-16)
Rainfall RateThe rate at which rain is presently falling (updated every 30 seconds)
0.00 in/hr
Heat IndexHeat Index is a measure of how hot it feels when humidity is factored in with air temperature. Must be at least 80°F to be warmer than air temperature.
Dew PointDew point is the temperature to which air must be cooled in order for dew to form. A higher dew point indicates more moisture present in the air. When the dew point equals the temperature then humidity is 100%.
WindWind is measured at 28 ft & displayed as a 10-minute average speed & direction including the maximum wind speed over that period.
Avg: 2 mph WSW
Max: 7 mph
Solar EnergyA measure of direct & diffuse energy received from the Sun. Marquette does not exceed 1300 W/m2. (0-1800)
0 W/m2
Air Quality
Air Quality Index is a measure of air pollution by our sensor with dual laser particle counters.
0-50: Good
51-100: Moderate
101-150: Unhealthy for Sensitive Groups
151-200: Unhealthy
201-300: Very Unhealthy
301+: Hazardous
"ALT-CF3" correction factor applied
32 Good
Detailed Forecast
from NWSAll forecasts on this page are provided courtesy of the National Weather Service and apply to a gridded area within the city limits. at 12:56 AM EDT
63° | 58°
N 0
17° | 14°
N 0
63° | 58°
N 0
17° | 14°
N 0
62° | 57°
SW 5
17° | 14°
SW 8
62° | 58°
W 5
17° | 14°
W 8
61° | 57°
N 0
16° | 14°
N 0
60° | 57°
N 0
16° | 14°
N 0
61° | 57°
N 0
16° | 14°
N 0
64° | 59°
N 0
18° | 15°
N 0
68° | 60°
N 0
20° | 16°
N 0
72° | 62°
NE 5
22° | 17°
NE 8
74° | 61°
E 5
23° | 16°
E 8
76° | 62°
E 5
24° | 17°
E 8
76° | 62°
E 5
24° | 17°
E 8
77° | 63°
E 5
25° | 17°
E 8
76° | 62°
NE 10
24° | 17°
NE 16
75° | 62°
NE 10
24° | 17°
NE 16
73° | 61°
NE 10
23° | 16°
NE 16
71° | 61°
E 5
22° | 16°
E 8
70° | 60°
NE 5
21° | 16°
NE 8
68° | 60°
NE 5
20° | 16°
NE 8
66° | 60°
N 0
19° | 16°
N 0
64° | 59°
N 0
18° | 15°
N 0
63° | 58°
N 0
17° | 14°
N 0
63° | 58°
N 0
17° | 14°
N 0
63° | 57°
S 5
17° | 14°
S 8
63° | 57°
N 0
17° | 14°
N 0
62° | 57°
N 0
17° | 14°
N 0
60° | 55°
SW 5
16° | 13°
SW 8
59° | 55°
N 0
15° | 13°
N 0
59° | 56°
N 0
15° | 13°
N 0
60° | 55°
N 0
16° | 13°
N 0
64° | 57°
N 0
18° | 14°
N 0
69° | 58°
N 0
21° | 14°
N 0
73° | 60°
SE 5
23° | 16°
SE 8
76° | 60°
SE 5
24° | 16°
SE 8
77° | 59°
SE 5
25° | 15°
SE 8
77° | 58°
SE 5
25° | 14°
SE 8
78° | 58°
E 10
26° | 14°
E 16
78° | 58°
E 10
26° | 14°
E 16
78° | 58°
E 10
26° | 14°
E 16
78° | 59°
E 10
26° | 15°
E 16
76° | 59°
SE 5
24° | 15°
SE 8
74° | 60°
SE 5
23° | 16°
SE 8
71° | 60°
SE 5
22° | 16°
SE 8
68° | 60°
S 5
20° | 16°
S 8
66° | 60°
S 5
19° | 16°
S 8
65° | 60°
S 5
18° | 16°
S 8
65° | 59°
S 5
18° | 15°
S 8
Low: 60°
High: 16°
High: 78°
High: 26°
Low: 59°
High: 15°
High: 80°
High: 27°
Low: 62°
High: 17°
High: 79°
High: 26°
Low: 63°
High: 17°
High: 79°
High: 26°
Low: 63°
High: 17°
High: 79°
High: 26°
Low: 61°
High: 16°
High: 77°
High: 25°
Low: 59°
High: 15°
Today's High: 70° at 12:19 AM
Today's Low: 65° at 01:45 AM
Yesterday's High: 82° at 04:17 PM
Yesterday's Low: 65° at 02:14 AM
High since 6AM: 82° at 04:17 PM
Low since 6PM: 65° at 11:06 PM
Normal High:City of Marquette avg (1991-2020) 69°
Normal Low:City of Marquette avg (1991-2020) 53°
Record High:Today's record high (1857 - Present) 91° (2005)
Record Low:Today's record low (1857 - Present) 33° (1946)
Yesterday's Departure:Approximate difference from daily "normal" average temperature +12°
Monthly Departure:Approximate difference from monthly "normal" average temperature assuming remaining days are normal.
Currently: 0 0°
Today's Max Wind: 7 mph at 2:10 AM
Today's Avg Wind: 1.3 mph
Today's Rainfall: 0.00 in
Yesterday's Rainfall: 0.00 in
Sunrise: 7:24 AM |
Sunset: 8:06 PM
Daylight: 12hr 42min