
Recent Site Changes

Earlier this week I removed the cloud icons that formed the main navigation links throughout the site. This design methodology had passed its shelf life. It also limited the font size of the embedded text. By deploying more generic buttons I was able to change its font type & size. This should make navigation clearer & easier to use.

In the weather history section, you can now click on each of the 24 hour graphs at the top for a much larger, more detailed version of the image. These images are not straight duplicates of the data in the smaller graphs and contain some custom “enhancements”. For instance, the detailed dew point and humidity graphs contain corrected & smoothed values (rolling 5 minute averages to prevent readings from jumping around too much when the air is unstable). The software that connects the weather station to the website cannot correct for sensor errors in real time. I do that immediately after the reading is taken. Then I send the corrected values to the site (current conditions, history tables). Unfortunately the smaller graphs are generated before I can access them. Note that the larger dew point and humidity graphs are still “initializing” which means that some of the data from yesterday is missing. This will correct itself by about 8 PM Saturday evening.

I also fixed a small bug whereby if you had selected metric units in the page settings of the City page (home page) AND you also selected unrounded temperatures you would only see rounded temperatures.

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(Auto night: 10:49 PM - 5:02 AM)