Beginning around 9 PM on Friday December 10th and lasting through about 2 PM on Saturday the 11th, an area of deep low pressure tracking near the Straits of Mackinac resulted in significant snowfall at our station near downtown Marquette. Overall, we measured 7.8″ of heavy, wet snow, although up to an additional inch may have fallen and gone unrecorded due to slightly above freezing temperatures, wind and sunshine. Our storm total was similar to a nearby report in Trowbridge of 8.5″.
Our highest wind gust during that period was 37 mph in the 11 AM hour. The 11th was the windiest day of the month so far in terms of sustained winds.
Our only real impact was time spent removing snow from the property afterward. No power outages were experienced during the storm.
For a detailed hourly breakdown, please check out our Weather History page and select the dates above (Dec 10-11, 2021). We don’t offer hourly precipitation data, but all other parameters like wind, temperature, and pressure will be available.